My father was my "Indiana Jones". A WW II Veteran, married my mother, completed his education, fathered four children, traveled and worked all over the world, was a writer, taught writing, was a WW II historian (his latest book .. now out of print.. is valued by some at $325) and a wonderful, loving man. He was passionate about history and world events.
Born in Roswell, New Mexico, he spent some memorable years living in a hotel in Big Spring, Texas that his father managed and was a part-owner. After a stunt where after seeing a movie about Super Man (or some such flying actor) he made a parachute for himself, a box for his cat with another homemade parachute and was prepared to drop the cat first off of the roof of the hotel to study the art of flying. How this turned out is unknown, however, my father and his younger brother were shipped off to live with their grandmother on a farm near Rochelle, Texas. These were considered some of the best years of his life until his grandmother passed away and the boys went back to Big Spring to spend their high school years.
My father was the most impressive man in my life. His high standards and devotion to family showed me that this was the sort of man I wanted to marry. And I did! Thank you, Daddy. I miss you!!

Foodie Friday
at the Fair in Tecoman, Colima, Mexico!
This posting may be a little long. If only I could figure out those photo mosaics. Someday!
We are here in Mexico on business... and most importantly to be with our granddaughter, Carmen who has turned six. Pictures of her party will be posted soon.
The fair in Tecoman is always an event to enjoy. It is the same sort of state fair that we enjoy in the U.S. There are all sorts of exhibits displaying pens of local livestock and boxes of fruits and vegetables . Mini-restaurants are everywhere and carts of local foods are situated every few feet. Here is a little of what we saw Wednesday evening...

What is the fair without cotton candy? Carmen was thrilled to have this gigantic treat that for some reason, disappeared within minutes. I think her dad and grandfather helped her out a little bit!

We are not sure what this really is, but they are not pancakes. They are bread (
"pan") that is very yeasty and also has a very light sweetness to it. I am hooked on these. They need to be eaten warm though.
Cucumber slices ("pepitos y jicima") jicima are a delicious and cool combination on a hot sultry evening at the fair. Of course it is sprinkled with sea salt and a hot chili sauce is doused over that.
Hot dogs (salchichas) are such a favorite of everyone in Mexico They're delicious! They a trimmed and creatively displayed.
"Sopitos" are my ultimate favorite fair food. They are not to be confused with "chalupas" even though they look similar. The meat, usually ground pork, is boiled in beef flavored water. Thinly sliced cabbage is used on top, mixed with a little onion. It is topped with hard, grated Mexican cheese... of which the name excapes me. The sopitos are seved nestled close together, sitting in about a cup of the broth. To eat these you spoon the broth over the sopitos and pick them up with your fingers to eat. So good!
These are just a few of the foods. There were carts of strawberries and cream, grilled, spicey shrimp on a long stick, and flan. It was an evening of heavenly foods!