Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Have you had your mammies grammed???
These are some of the most beautiful women in my life.
Linda in the blue blouse is a high school friend, former roommate and best of all... a breast cancer survivor... twice! Linda donned her boxing gloves and fought... hard. She is one fine lady and I'm so proud to know her.
The lady in white I met through a favorite book series... The Mitford series by Jan Karon. Lynne knew her chances were high that she would be dealing with breast cancer. ALL of the women in her family had developed it. When her tests came back with the diagnosis of breast cancer, she was prepared to do battle. It has not been an easy road, but Lynne has come out on top. Her faith in God, her wonderful husband and family support and tremendous medical care were there for her. She is one amazing and dear friend.
Norma Jean is a the top left of my collage. She is my cousin. You may have seen Norma and me in previous photos as she and I do the famous "kick" in our family. Our mothers were best friends as well as aunt and niece. They invented the family kick where they would always be photographed together kicking. Well, Norma has KICKED breast cancer and I am so very grateful for that.
To the right of Norma is my aunt, Jo Anne. She is my father's younger sister. She had breast cancer over 30 years ago. Yes, indeed. Treatments were even harder on the body 30 years ago .. or so I am told. Friends, it's a trip through Hades they say. I love my Aunt Jo Anne dearly and I am so thankful she is still in my life.
My sister-in-law and dear friend, Tissa, is currently undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer. Tissa is wearing green.. and, yes, I got into the picture with her. (Thank God I have not had to deal with this horrid disease!) Tissa has been a shining example of a brave woman who is tackling breast cancer. We have all been blessed to have her in our lives!

Don't live in a "dream world"... this can happen to us!
I am so thrilled to link to How Sweet the Sound for
Pink Saturday!
This has given me the perfect opportunity to share with you
5 Amazing Women !!