Polish Sausage Making...
a Family Tradition
This past December my husband and I were invited to
join the Skloss family as they revived their family
tradition of making Polish sausage.
The Skloss family had migrated from Poland to Texas
many, many years ago and they, along with other
Polish families, established the town of
Cestohowa, Texas.
They eventually continued on to McCook, Texas where
they bought farmland and grew grain, corn and other
dryland crops.
The language of the community was Silesian.
Sausage making was a family tradition enjoyed by
all of the Polish families. The sausage is made of 2/3 pork and 1/3 beef with salt, pepper and some garlic. The mesquite smoking of the sausage gives it the unique flavor.
Family was scattered in the past few years but recently
the young people decided they wanted to revive the
tradition. It was a full day of work, however, not only was
some of the wonderful sausage enjoyed for supper, but
the satisfaction of bringing the old tradition back
was best of all!!
I am linking to
Little Red House for
Mosaic Monday
Come join us for some wonderful
collages of pictures!
I left the Skloss homestead in McCook that evening wishing I had just a drop of Polish blood in me! The family traditions and the love they all share for each other is beautiful and so special.