Isn't this a beautiful candy dish?
Notice anything?
Now I know the bottom right photo looks as though
you are peering down the throat of a jellyfish,
but look closely... it's a space.
Fostoria American. I love it!
I started my collection when I inherited a bowl from
my mother. It had been a wedding gift.
Then, I inherited a vase from my mother-in-law.
It too had been a wedding gift.
Popular stuff!
Well, if you think this candy dish has the same value as
my inherited pieces... you are mistaken
just as I was.
Hook, line and sinker....
The gap between the lid and the bowl was the first clue.
The 18 ribs in the bottom of the bowl was the second.
Here is an authentic Fostoria American candy dish.
No cover here... it may have bit the dust years ago.
21 ribs in the bottom of the bowl.
I won't toss the imitation Fostoria American candy dish,
however, I'll do my homework next time!
It was a $12 lesson.
Anyone ready to go fishing??
I'm linking to some great parties,
so come check them out...