Christmas Dinner - 1960
A typical holiday dinner with my grandmother, Ruby Boykin (we called her "Mother 'B'") where we could count on a delicious meal always. My family is made up of wonderful
cooks. L-R are my sister, Aunt Jo Anne (I've blogged about her before), my father, my younger brother, yours truly and then my grandmother.
Below is the recipe for "Turkey Scrapple"...
a delicious after-holiday dinner treat!
I posted this recipe in 2009.
Have you ever heard of scrapple? Well, I know you Easterners have, but I'm referring to turkey scrapple that is just part of our after-Thanksgiving menu. This was a concoction made by my father's mother, Ruby Opal Heath Boykin, absolutely one of THE best Texas cooks I've ever known. Mother "B" is what we called her in our adult years, "Bum "B"', in our younger years. This is how you make Scrapple - Mother "B"'s style:
•Pick the leftover turkey meat from the bones and cut into smaller than bite-size pieces and place in a Dutch oven
•Add leftover dressing (I wouldn't add the nuts, if there are any in the dressing) and add about an equal amount to the turkey
•Pour some leftover gravy so that it sort of becomes a dry mush (Isn't this sounding delicious?)
•Cook a big pot of grits and add it to the turkey mixture. I keep enough out to pour about 1/4" in the bottom of a "Pam'd" loaf pan. The point is to make the grits your binder. If there is too much dressing then the mixture will crumble after chilling.
•Pour the turkey, dressing, gravy, grits mixture into the loaf pan(s)
•Cover with foil and chill overnight or all day.
•When chilled, turn out onto a cutting board and cut into thick slices (an inch or a little more).
•Dredge in flour that has been seasoned with salt and pepper, dip in beaten egg, dredge in flour again.
•Fry in oil in a frying pan until crisp. (I love using a cast iron skillet for this)
•Serve for breakfast or a quick lunch.
I know that this probably looks like just a homemade, thought-up recipe... and it probably is because I have never found anyone who has a recipe that even slightly resembles this. But I promise you... it is fantastic with fried eggs, fried bacon, fried sausage, biscuits, toast, butter, homemade plum preserves (my grandmother's of course with two pits left in to make it tart!) or honey, milk, coffee, juice. For sure I know what we're eating for breakfast tomorrow!!
Scrapple at the ranch this past weekend.

P.S. -- Just realized that I inherited all of the milk glass in this picture!
Today I am posting to
All the Small Stuff
Check out Cole's
Pesto Chicken Salad
Blessed with Grace by Lisa
Check out Lisa's
Baked Spaghetti
Check out "Northern Nesting"
for a fantastic give-away.
It's an amazing wire cloche!