Quinta Don Jose Bed and Breakfast
Tlaquepaque, Mexico
I can never resist posting about Quinta Don Jose. It is about my favorite retreat and get-away. Located in Tlaquepaque, a "suburb" of Guadalajara, this is THE best B&B... great rooms, fabulous restaurant, great staff... and in the middle of some of the best shopping Mexico has to offer.
My husband snapped a picture of me in the breakfast area this particular morning. I decided to try out the morning's special. The best I can do is describe the dish which is pictured in my collage. Quesadillas filled with cheese and chicken, topped with a wonderful mild sauce and topped with Mexican cheese, onion and shredded lettuce.. and then my favorite... the "crema", a Mexican cream drizzled over the whole concoction. This was served with fresh orange juice, coffee, papaya, watermelon and honeydew.
We enjoyed our hearty breakfast surrounded by beautiful flowers like the yellow shrimp plant. There was also bright orange honeysuckle. Hummingbirds were everywhere.
"Cabot", the B&B black and white cat came out long enough to check out the surroundings. He is called "Cabot" because of his bobbed tail, making him look a little like a rabbit from the back... and then of course the "ca".. for cat. He truly thinks he owns the place.
We'll be back at our little retreat in the next three weeks as we travel back to Mexico on business. I'm sure I won't be able to resist posting about Quinta Don Jose then too.
Who can resist linking to
Little Red House for
Mosaic Monday??