This is one reason why it's so much fun connecting with other people who enjoy collecting. I came upon a new blog (new to me!) named "That Old House". In one of the many beautiful pictures on this blog was a wine decanter and it was very similar to mine that was handed down from my grandmother, mother and then me. This woman's history regarding the decanter may help me find out who gave the decanter to my grandmother... and it could be older than I thought it was.
Here is what "Cass" wrote to me, "It's called a "weinheber" and it's a decanter and dispenser -- the crystal decanter is held in the wrought iron holder. There is an insert to hold ice for chilling white wines, and a lid for the decanter, but I am missing both of those --lost the lid, cracked the ice holder! You fill the decanter with wine, and then put your wine glass up under the narrow end of the bottle, push upward, and the wine is released into the glass."
I had figured out that the glass tube in the center of the decanter was for cracked ice, but I never thought about it having a lid. The fact that "Cass's" came from Germany helps me to pinpoint who might have given the "weinbeber" to my grandmother as she had in her possession other items that were brought to her from Germany by her brother-in-law in the early 1940's.
Thank you, "Cass", for giving me some very helpful hints and interesting information.