I love my Snow Village. It doesn't make it up every Christmas but this year is special. We have children in our lives that we have not had in quite some time, so I just
felt like I wanted to set it up. But, oh my goodness....
Last year I came upon a special deal with Department 56
and so scooped up as much as possible. Somehow I have to make a Christmasy, snowy village with all of this and twenty-two buildings... each one with a special memory of its purchase. My husband has even gotten into this. Mind you not setting it up... oh no... but he does enjoy shopping
for new buildings. After our shopping would be done for the children and the rest of our families, David and I would take off to shop for ourselves. It always included a new addition to our Snow Village.
as to how this mess becomes an enchanting little town.

You'll find me at Coastal Charm today...
enjoying all of the wonderful postings!!
Here is the first one!
I want to live in this house.
The cottswald design was something I was not
familiar with, even though we lived in one for seven
years. My excuse is that we were young and
just had no clue.
My name for this piece is
"406 N. Garcia Street"
as that was the address of our home.
It was not brick, but stucco. It had a green roof and
a huge, huge front window/door... sort of garden style.
The house was 60 years old when we moved into it.
A doctor had built it and it was two-story so that
he could have his clinic downstairs and live upstair.
Several rounds of renovations had been done on it,
but it was such an interesting home. There were
even secret passage ways. Our closet upstairs had a
red light in it and I assume that was for developing
pictures. I bought this Snow Village because it
reminded me of what I had hoped to accomplish
with that home.