Ruby, my paternal grandmother,
married a man who was in the hotel business
for many years. Mother "B" was a wonderful
cook and many of her recipes were written on sheets
of hotel stationery.
I love vintage recipes.
These recipes for Chow-Chow and Cherry Pie
were two of her favorites.
My late mother wrote in a cookbook she compiled with my grandmother's recipes, "I suppose that living in Midland (Texas) at the Circle CB was the closest "Mother B" ever came to living on a farm where she had the opportuniity of "puttin' up" fruits and vegetables. I can still remember the wonderful pungent smells coming from her kitchen when "chow-chow" was being made. Hardly readable now, her recipe for "chow-chow" has been passed among family and friends and will always carry lovely memories with it."
1 gallon ripe tomatoes
1 gallon green tomatoes
1 gallon cabbage
1 dozen sweet peppers (red bell peppers)
1 dozen hot peppers (chilies), or to taste
1 dozen large onions
3/4 cup salt
6 cups sugar
2 tablespoons powdered ginger
2 tablespoons dry mustard
1 tablespoon each: turmeric, cloves, cinnamon
1/2 gallon vinegar
Chop first five ingredients into small pieces and mix. Pour salt over mixture and let stand for 2 hours. Squeeze with hands removing the vegetables from the brine. Add the rest of the ingredients and cook a few minutes until thoroughly hot - 2 to 3 minutes. Seal in sterilized jars while hot. Makes 9 quarts.
Cherry Pie
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup butter
2 tablespoons flour
5 egg yolks or 3 whole eggs (beaten)
1/2 cup milk
1 1/2 cup cherries (Fort Collins brand)
Melt butter in top of double boiler, add sugar, stir and then add flour. Cook until smooth; then add eggs a little at a time. Slowly add milk and blend well. Add cherries and cook a few more minutes. Serve with whipped cream.
No mention is made of a pie crust, but I imagine this is the filling and should be poured into a baked pie shell.
Today I am linking to
Vintage Thingy Thursday
at Colorado Lady
Come check it out!