When life just becomes a little too much "life"...
we head to the deer lease... or "ranch" as we call it.
It's only an hour and fifteen minutes from our home to our
"ranch home".
It's been bone dry with searing heat these past few months,
but just last week the ranch received 2 1/2" inches of the
precious wet stuff.
What a difference!
The grass was actually green.
So beautiful and so peaceful.
Then... we came home to a breath-taking
glow in the sky.
I couldn't actually see the sun as it was setting because I
was working on this 'yer blog.
I grabbed my camera and ran outside to catch
that glow. I found two fireflies who were
flying around enjoying the evening too.
I could actually see the face in the moon as well.
Such gorgeous colors.
And then I turned and saw through the window the view into our breakfast nook where I sit
to doing my blogging.
I just stood there and stared at it.
The room isn't perfect ... nothing in particular on the walls,
but the room glowed that golden orangy-yellow
that I see in so many pictures on my favorite blogs.
It truly made me feel warm inside.
And, yes...
"God's in his heaven...."
Now for some exquisite photos of fabulous colors
visit Little Red House!
You'll find me there enjoying this blog and others.

Lovely post - there's no place like your own kitchen is there?
I loved your night time mosaic - gorgeous.
I write this comment sitting at my own kitchen table. hehe. Great sunset mosaic.
what a lovely view into your comfy very clean nook! Love it. All your mosacis were great to see.
I love this heartfelt post, lovely. Your kitchen looks so warm and cozy, a beautiful place to write your lovely blog.
The French Hutch
Hi Karen,
So glad you found my blog, because now I have found you. Read your bio and really enjoyed it. Love your mosiacs. zoomed in to get a better look. That cow is pretty darn cute, as far as cows go. Fun that you have a place to get away to. Glad you got some rain. Your kitchen looks warm and cozy! Now following you.
Lovely photos, I always love the farm animals. I love the sunset shots. A pretty view into your breakfast nook. Wonderful mosaics, I hope you have a wonderful week!
I can feel the peace and stillness that you are speaking of and showing in your pictures. Wonderful shot of the moon and sky! So thankful you got the rain.
Hi Karen. What a lovely kitchen we can look into. Love that sunny color.I have been on your blog before, I remember your story but now I am following you. LOvely mosiacs.
Great picture of the kitchen table! There is no cozier, more comfortable place than your own kitchen. Beautiful pictures and mosaics...now to sit at that table and enjoy a cup of tea!
Sensational photographs, Karen! Thank goodness for the rain at the ranch, that is such a blessing! Awesome sunset shots- How neat to get that awesome evening shot of your warm and cozy nook, great post!
Oh, I am so happy to have you as my newest follower. I love having new blog friends.
I am so happy that ya'll are finally getting a shower or two. Earlier this summer I drove across Tx. and the fires were very scary.
Hey Karen! All your photos are wonderful! Love the homeiness of your kitchen photo - peaceful. I have been doing genealogy since I was 14, as my dad's scribe. I'd go with him to the library before that, but always had my own pursuits there. Love the library, well, the old library we used to go to. The smell of old books is heavenly to me! Anyway, got back into genealogy about 25 years ago with a passion. So, yes I agree, I'm friends with anyone who loves genealogy! Hope you stop by again!
Joy @ tomorrow's memories
Oooh, lucky you! I worked in the school library, but the school was brand new. No luck with the vintage books smell, LOL!
Today, I am passing on the Versatile Blogger Award on to you!
Drop by my blog to pick it up,
What a lovely post. Thanks for visiting me, it's been a treat visiting you today.
Sweet post! Wonderful that you received some much needed rain! The photos are beautiful! And so is your kitchen area where you blog. Warm and so inviting and cozy :)
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