Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Fishing with my dad

Fishing with my dad was a real adventure. I'm not so sure he looked at it the same way. My sister and I were four and five and quite the problem kids ... I'm sure my dad thought. He would cut a cane pole for us and hook a horned toad to it for bait. Never caught a thing... and didn't even think to wonder why... It was just great to be with the best father in the world!!


Karen said...

oops! There was a string to it for the bait.

Jennifer said...

John can't wait to take our girls fishing. I remember I had a Snoopy fishing pole- don't think I ever caught anything.

Laura said...

This is wonderful, and I love the ladybugs.
We are off and running Miss Karen1


Nancy's Notes said...

Thanks for sharing such a fun memory of you and your wonderful Dad.

Love, Nancy