Family Dinner in Mexico
I could not resist "collaging" the pictures from the
family dinner we enjoyed with our son's mother.
Family in the area joined us for a very tasty
dinner. We were served a delicious beef soup, topped with
chopped sweet onions.
What grabbed my tasted buds was the warm
recotta (Mexican style) cheese with corn and
small strips of green chilies mixed in with it.
This was served with tostados.
You know I'll be experimenting with this recipe when
I get back to Texas.
Senora Carmen Cardenas, our daughter-in-law's mother,
is always a very gracious hostess and sets a lovely table
in white for all meals except at Christmas when she uses red.
I cringe when I see specks of red sauces and spices which somehow drip here and there, but the next time we dine, the
tablecloth is spotless.
Pictures on my collage: top left: cucumbers and jicima with sea salt, lime and chili;
top center: our grandson, David; right: "nectar of the gods"-- the cheese, corn and green pepper; center: Carmen's beautiful tablescape; bottom left: L-me and R-Carmen (we both decided this was not our best pictures... we look much younger and slimmer in person ;-); bottom: L- Marcela, cousin and R - Carmen, our granddaughter
One amazing fact about these pictures - these rooms where the meal was prepared and served in were outdoors.
If you look above the table at the background you will see Carmen's fully equiped kitchen. She has another one inside the house but it is rarely used.
All of this furniture is outside year around. The weather is
conducive to this type of living... with the exception that July and August are truly very warm.
In case you were wondering about dessert:
cheese cake topped with dewberries
and also apple cake...
all served with wonderful coffee, cooked on the stove
with cinnamon.
Siesta time!
Between Naps on the Porch
Tablescape Thursday
Come for a visit!!
Show and Tell Friday at
My Romantic Home
Designs by Gollum