This is the tree that I absolutely-had-to-have-or-I-would-never-make-it-through-the-decorating-saga-known-as...
Decorating for the holidays!
Disclaimer: I resist using the "C" word in decorating as I am very aware that Christmas would not lose it's meaning one bit if for some reason I had no tree at all... nor decorations.
I am in a major dither of frustration...
?How to decorate a pewter-colored tree?
In my mind I thought I had the color scheme figured out, but
that did not mean it WAS.
Notice the Persian rug on the floor of the room?
I figure the colors should at least blend with it.
Am I correct?
I am counting on your opinion...
so here is your chance.
I have reached my limit of imagination.
I'm linking to Little Red House
for Mosaic Monday
P.S. I should add that I have always had a traditional green tree.. although artificial. Lesson I have learned here... when making a drastic change as I have done.. have a plan! ;-)