This is my passion.
I gather family facts, photos and stories.
This is the workbook that I create
each year for my husband's family reunion.
I make three copies of this book
and family members are encouraged to actually write in
the "workbook" adding, subtracting and correcting
the facts.
I totally love it!
I believe that it is incredibly important
that our children have a source to use
to learn about their ancestors.
My passion for this came partially from my mother
who set a very high standard for documenting
family history.
The other woman who inspired me was a cousin of
my husband's.
I expressed a desire to see that my husband's
family stories and history be documented.
She kept telling me, "You can do it!"
So I did.
For the past five years I have had an updated
version of the family history for circulation.
She and I even created an event we call
"Family Tree Hugger"... where we gather to do
nothing but work on the family tree.
Today my inspiration for this work passed away.
She is now with our God she served so faithfully.
And she is with so many of the family members she
loved and missed.
I will miss Mickey so very much.
Rest in peace, dear, sweet lady.
Join me for
Bargain Hunting and Chatting with Laurie