Rosemary -- My Mother
I know you have organized the most wonderful celebration for your friends ... old and new. Where you are it will be a breeze. The little sandwiches will be perfect and the punch will be too. You'll have a wonderful cake... probably white with beautiful, perfect flowers on it. There will be enough to go around. Enough for all! You'll have beautiful dishes to serve these luscious treats on and gorgeous cups for the perfect punch.
You were a wonderful hostess and always the best cook.
An artist in the kitchen, you created meals that everyone enjoyed.
I miss you terribly but how can I wish you back here where there is illness and so much discomfort? You are with Daddy and your parents and so many of the others we loved and are now enjoying their rewards.
Thank you for all of the wonderful lessons you taught us, allowing us to learn from the "pro".
I refuse to feel sad, but joy in my heart that you are in a beautiful place.
I love you, Mother!
Happy Mother's Day