Saturday, January 8, 2011

2011 - It's about US!

My New Year's Resolution

This is the year of US!
Okay… by “us” I am referring to my husband and me.

We have had three years of losing close family members (my parents and his brother) and
dear, dear friends.
I threw myself into trying to assist family and friends go through
extremely difficult times.

My husband has been so supportive all along.

He has comforted me when I needed it.

It is time for me to get on with our life together.

So.. my New Year’s resolution is…

Husband and me first!

It will include our health

It will include our marriage

It will include what some people refer to “getting our affairs in order”.

Then it will include our
our sons, their wives and our grandchildren

When plans and decisions and opportunities
arise… we will ask ourselves…
is this good for us?
Will this benefit our health and our marriage?
Will this have a good impact on our family?

Shouldn’t we have been doing this all along?
Well, maybe we have…

The difference this year is that I will fully focus
on my dear husband.

God has blessed me greatly.

It is time to show it.

I thought about my posting during the night and got up early to remove it... thinking
it was way too revealing. Well, with all of your sweet comments and encouraging remarks I will keep it here. All the more reason to keep my 2011 resolutions!!  Karen

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