The reunion was fantastic!
Well, here goes...
My husband enjoyed two days of golf with his
Aggie buddies on a fantastic golf course.
He rarely gets to play golf, so
this truly was a treat.
We had dinner two nights in the homes of the local Aggie friends. Such wonderful food and great visits.
We don't see everyone but maybe once a year, however,
we were fortunate to see some of the gang recently
at a wedding... which I blogged about a couple of
weeks ago.
The game was great! A&M isn't exactly known for
their terrific football record, but that Saturday
the Aggies did us proud with a win against
Texas Tech. Of course, I have to remind myself often
not to be too judgemental. Our daughter-in-law got
her medical degress from Texas Tech.
There was time for the women to take off for a few
hours of "antiquing" in Brenham which is only about
a 40 minute drive away.
Was I ever lucky to find a milk glass punch bowl!
It isn't as pretty as the one my mother had...
which is a family mystery as to where it is.
But I will enjoy it and just let it be a reminder
of hers.
On Sunday we were fortunate to be only
a two hour drive from Houston where our middle
son had just driven in the day before.
He is beginning the process of the move to Houston
from La Jolla, California.
He will return to La Jolla Thanksgiving Eve to
load up, and bring his sweet wife and our
two "grand dogs" back to Texas.
This will be the closest they have ever lived to us...
and even then it will be a six hour drive for us.
But who cares?! They'll be Texans again.
Our son, Daren.
He should get a huge award
for being the most patient husband ever!
He has seen his wife through medical school in
Lubbock, Texas, a year of research in Chicago, Illinois,
years of residency in Lubbock and then a year of
a fellowship in La Jolla, California. Mind you, he
had to get a new job with each move... and he did it.
We are hugely proud of both our son and his wife.
I am joining in on
Mosaic Monday