I've found a new blog party.... a little late, but we'll see if
I still get in on it. It's over at 320 Sycamore!
Melissa actually wants to know
what my favorite things are.
Now that is just too cool because one of my favorite
topics of discussion is cosmetics.
I enjoy "making up" on a daily basis... full deal.
I just feel better if I do.
My attitude is better.
I feel more energized.
I feel a little taller and a little slimmer.
Okay, that's pushing it a little bit...
My cosmetics of choice is pretty much one brand...
Laura Mercier.
This was recommended to me by my "personal"
cosmetic dermatologist.
Dr. Jennifer Peterson, M.D.
Meet my daughter-in-law!
She really likes Laura Mercier and so do I!
Now hop over to
320 Sycamore
for some fun!!