Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spinach Salad and then a Shake - Earthquake Style

My husband and I were enjoying a salad in the
American Express Lounge in Mexico City today
when we began to have the strange sensation of
spinning... the type you felt as a child when you spun yourself
around trying to be dizzy.

We knew immediately that it was an earthquake as we
had experienced several in Mexico when we lived there.

This is what Global News reported,
 "Just two weeks after a powerful earthquake struck southern Mexico, another tremblor, this time measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale, has again rattled Guerrero state, according to CNN.
Citing the US Geological Survey, the news broadcaster said the epicenter was about 17 miles from the city of Ometepec and that the movement occurred at a depth of 7.6 miles. There were no immediate reports of damage, death or injury."

It is truly an odd sensation. It was the first time I had been in a room full of people during an earthquake. To see other people's reactions was a study in itself. You become immediately somehow "attached" to strangers through
extreme uneasiness and admittedly some downright
fear. Some people ran for the doors and others either stood
(me) and still others stayed seated (my husband).
It lasted less than a minute... I think.
To imagine that Aeropuerto Internacional Benito Juarez was swaying from the underground movement was
pretty darn scary.

It's not clear if that was the cause for the delay of the
flights the rest of the day, but we arrived home considerably
later than planned...but then,
we arrived safely and with a tale to tell.

By the way... the salad:
fresh spinach
goat cheese
slivered almonds
thin sliced pears
thin sliced green apples
sliced mushrooms
all served in a parmesan cheese baked bowl
with a vinegrette dressing


You'll find me participating along with many others in
"Wow Us Wednesday" at Savy Southern Style


I'm so excited to link to Ivy & Elephants for
"What's It Wednesday"
Come visit this fabulous blog!!


  1. I have only ever once experienced an after "tremor" back in 1986 in San Diego when we were in the top of a 26 story building. I would not want to relive that experience. It is so weird to feel so out of control, isn't it? xo Diana

  2. Yummilicious salad but I'll take mine without the shake:) I know that was STRANGE but I am so happy you all are OK! Have a blessed day dear friend! HUGS!

  3. Oh I'm glad that you are safely home. I've not felt any quakes that large. When we have small ones here, it feels as if a train was rumbling by.

  4. Karen, Glad you got home ok, have never been in an earthquake! Thanks for stopping by and letting me know you love Bunnykins too! I hate to admit but I had several more dishes that I didn't post, yikes. Your collection is wonderful I have only a few of the figurines. I have a bunny bride but someone bumped her and now she is earless, so sad. The dishes are addicting! I would only buy the old ones, the new ones are now made in China and the colors are not the same. Now following you too, Laura

  5. Oh my goodness. I am just so glad that you are safe and sound. An Earthquake is something I do not want to experience. The salad looks amazing. The recipe is delicious. I will be making this in the near future. Thank you for this wonderful post! I would love it if you would share this at our What’s It Wednesday blog party. Hope to see you there.


  6. Isn't that the strangest feeling? And you know what it is , but somehow stay in denial! We had one in Ny years ago and a few years back, when I was in Japan, there was a big one! Glad to hear nothing serious happened!

  7. I slept through an earthquake once before and my husband thought I was jumping up and down on the bed, only to wake up and see me fast asleep, but it was not that big of an earthquake. I can't imagine what that would have been like to experience a 6.3. Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog and for becoming a follower too. I enjoyed so much reading your profile. I will be back!

  8. Glad you are okay!!! Must have been really scary.

  9. Love the sound of your salad. As for the tremors and earthquakes thank goodness I have never experienced one. Thanks for sharing, Happy Easter, take care and enjoy! Cheers SpecialK XoXo


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