Sunday, April 1, 2012

Leaving Mexico...

We head home tomorrow...
back to Texas.

This is just a quick post as there is packing
to be done.

Great time with our son and his family.

Carmen and I made sure that we got our
palms today for Palm Sunday.

More later...

I'm linking to Little Red House for
Mosaic Monday


  1. Have a safe trip home. I still haven't found your product in any local stores here in British Columbia.

  2. What a nice mosiac featuring palms for Palm Sunday. Sounds as if it will be a bittersweet time saying goodbye, yet heading home. Happy trails!

  3. Safe travels dear friend! Can't wait to hear all about it! BIG HUGS!

  4. Happy journey!I would love for you to visit me at My Dream Canvas :-) You have a lovely blog.

  5. Safe travels to you as you head home!

  6. What a beautiful young lady. Hope you travel safely.


Thanks for the visit! I love hearing from you.