Friday, May 20, 2011

Quinceañera - Turning 15!


It's the celebration of a young girl turning fifteen.
We call her "niece" however she is actually our son's niece. It's just that we have known her for ten years. She is the namesake of our daughter-in-law, "Marcela".
Marcela when she was about 10 years old.

Tomorrow evening we will all go to Mass. Marcela will be "presented" at church by her parents. They will walk her down the aisle and probably be escorted by other relatives, including her older brother and sister. She will look beautiful and we will all be amazed at what a young lady she has become.
We have flown to Mexico to enjoy this special time for
Marcela. She is especially close to our granddaughter, Carmen who is seven years old.
There will be a wonderful party and dance after the Mass.
My camera will be clicking away so that I will have lots of
pictures to share with you very soon.
Chances are we will not get back to our hotel room until
around 2:00 a.m., but the party will still be going on!
Such a celebration!!


  1. Congratulations to Marcela and I'll be looking forward to all the great photos.
    Have a wonderful celebration,

  2. What a wonderful celebration for sure! ENJOY this time with family and friends! Marcela is gorgeous!Special times and lots of photo opportunity! Have a blessed weekend! HUGS!

  3. What a beautiful girl! Congrats to her & I hope you all have such a wonderful time together!

    WIshing you a fabulous weekend, my friend!


  4. Karen,
    Thanks for stopping by blog and commenting on my week of vignettes. I specially thank you for being my 101 follower.
    Have a good trip to the party, sounds like a great time.

  5. Congratulations to your niece! This will be a wonderful celebration for her. Looking for the pictures to come! Have a great trip and come back home safely!

  6. I love Quinceaneras we have been to several..such wonderful celebrations...


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