Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Congrats to Faded Charm!!

A few of my White Wednesday postings from the past!

I'll have to pass up blogging for a couple of days because 
periodically that is what happens in my husband's line of work. My camera will be clicking away though and I'll
have some wonderful pictures to share with you... full of color and another country's custom.
Can't wait!!

I'm linking to White Wednesday at
Faded Charm.

This is the 100th White Wednesday and there is a lot of
celebrating going on. Check out Faded Charm and see the
fun going on there!!


Happy Birthday to my dear friend, Laura,
at White Spray Paint

What a great friend you are, Laura!!


  1. Karen,

    Thank you for stopping by. Your photography is just beautiful. Look forward to seeing more of your pictures!


  2. Thank you Karen!
    What a special treat to find your birthday wishes while having my coffee this morning.

    White Spray Paint

  3. Sweet pictures and Happy Birthday Laura! I love her too:) HUGS!


Thanks for the visit! I love hearing from you.