Sunday, January 6, 2013

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year!
I'm late to say "Happy 2013",
but I learned today... it doesn't matter when, but that
it's done.
My dear friends, Nancy and Laura ("White Spray Paint")
and I met for coffee at a McDonald's in Columbus, Texas.
We had not found made, made,  found the time to
meet for coffee in probably a month. VERY rare for us.
Sadly I didn't get a picture but the one above is from
last year...
Not much has changed except...
a wrinkle or two, a pound or two.. or three,
and I was introduced to Medicare!
Oh well... we found ourselves attending the same wedding
out of town and quickly escaped the hotel coffee room
for the privacy of McDonald's... due to the sweet suggestion of my hubby.
The visit was too short but we did promise to meet again soon.
Just as I plan to be back here SOON!


Thanks for the visit! I love hearing from you.