Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Farewell, my children!

Aren't grandchildren just the BEST?

My "grands" live in Mexico.  I don't see them often
so when my son sends pictures... my heart skips a beat.

Carmen is so sweet and gentle. An excellent student she
is top in her second grade class.
David ... named after my husband, well... just look at that
expression on his face. He is just as sweet as his big sister, but has a look of mischief in all of his pictures.

They are preparing to leave for a trip to California to
visit relatives so for them.. it's a day of adventure.

 "Que le vaya bien, mi niños !"


  1. Oh my goodness, they are PRECIOUS! I know that they will enjoy their adventure:) Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

  2. They are just the cutest! I love their hats.
    I can only imagine how my life will be with grandchildren.

  3. Karen, they are just so adorable! I love their cute hats! How exciting that they will be heading out to California!

    And yes, grandchildren are the best!



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