Sunday, June 19, 2011

Papaya Margarita - Spur of the moment Father's Day treat!

Royal Star Papaya Margarita

1 medium size papaya, preferrably Royal Star Papaya (they're sweeter and
have a better flavor)
1/2 c. Jose Cuervo Tequila
1/4 c. Controy
1/4 c. lemon or lime juice
Blend and serve in chilled glasses

Happy Father's Day
to all of the important men
in my life...


My wonderful husband who is
father to our three sons
and grandfather to our two grandchildren,
They call him "Pops"!

My awesome father who was the
"Indiana Jones" in my life.
Agriculture economist, WW II vet,
world traveler (not always in the safest places),
writer, historian and a man with
high ideals and standards.

My maternal grandfather (on the left) who rose from raising and picking cotton to
a man with a master's degree from Cornell, returning to Galveston County, Texas
and led the extension of the seawall project.

My maternal great-grandfather from Italy who brought his family to the U.S.
He worked for the transit system in Ithaca, N.Y.

My paternal grandfather who was successful in the hotel business
with only a high school diploma. He taught his family it was
important to have a dream, work hard and be good to people.

My paternal great-grandfather who believed it was important
to look your best at all times and work hard.
He died young, but dearly loved my grandmother, his only child.

I'm sorry!
I haven't had a minute for blogland in the past two weeks.
I'm working very hard on my husband's family tree, history book and
family reunion which is coming up in mid-July.
Also worked on our church's (very successful!) garage sale.

Thank you all for your kind remarks and congrats for our
41st wedding anniversary!!


  1. Hi there my friend, sounds like busy days for you! Me too:) I bet that Margarita is mighty tasty! Have a blessed day with your busy self! BIG HUGS!

  2. Thanks for the Margarita...cheers, salud!! You sound very busy, my friend, but I loved the photos of your men you've shared with us. They would all be proud of the wonderful lady you've turned out, I'm sure they knew these anyway! Have a great week. Hugs, FABBY


Thanks for the visit! I love hearing from you.