Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Happy Mother's Day in Mexico!

Happy Mother's Day, Marcela!!

Today is Mother's Day in Mexico. It is always May 10th.

I am so proud of my son's wife. She is a wonderful mother, wife and also a very successful business woman.
Our son and their two children are blessed to
have you in their lives.
So are we!

It's White Wednesday so I am linking to


  1. Happy Mother's Day to your family in Mexico.

  2. I hope your family had a really good Mother's Day. Happy Mother's day not only to you but to your daughter-in-law! My daughter-in-law is such a good mother to my grandsons. I so look forward to seeing them this weekend. I haven't seen them since Feb at my dad's 90th birthday party.

  3. We just got a Mother's Day call from our Daughter and Family who live in Mexico... I always forget that Mother's Day falls on a different day there! What a lovely Family your
    Son has!

    Thanks for stopping by my Blog with your sweet words.

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  4. What a sweet picture! Mother's are so special:) Have a blessed day, HUGS!


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