Monday, January 31, 2011

Smudgy - one of a kind... maybe 7!

Smudgy - One of a kind... maybe 7!

Smudgy was one of those "hand-me-down" pets. He was too much for my grandparents and aunt, so my parents took him in. In the late 1950's it was still okay in our town in Texas to have a dog loose... no chain and rarely a collar needed. Smudgy was probably half German Shephard and half Border Collie with whatever else mixed in there that made him so wonderfuly special to us.
It was proabably about 1958 when I entered him in the local
pet show at the high school. It took my mother and sister and me to contain him as he had rarely ever been around so many other dogs and seldom with a collar and, heavens,
never a chain. He was entered in the mixed-breed division, however, from the pictures I wonder if he didn't get mixed up in the wrong division. When the judges came by I remember telling a friend who was standing nearby... loud enough for the judges to hear, "Smudgy has seven breeds of dog in him."  I was terribly proud of that! Oh, how little I knew. Needless to say, Smudge and I got an "Honorable Mention". Oh well...
That is me, the blonde, squinty kid. In one of the pictures is my mother with my younger sister and brother... and our parakeet, "Tweety", who always cheeped himself into a near stroke if he ever saw Smudgy trying to sneak inside our home.
Fun memories!!

Today I am linking to two wonderful sites:

Little Red House for
Mosaic Monday


Brynwood Needleworks for
Memory Lane Mondays

By the way, this is the first installment for "Memory Lane Mondays" from Brynwood Needleworks. For those of us who especially enjoy reminiscing or reading about someone's favorite memories from years gone by you will love this. It will take place the last Monday of each month. So come by for a visit!! It's going to be fun.


  1. Hi Karen,
    I found you through Mary's Mosaic Monday -- what a sweet story! Lucky Smudgy, but I have to feel sorry for that poor nervous parakeet! Thanks for sharing this charming moment, and I love seeing pictures from the late 50s as I was another one of those squint eyed blondes in our family pictures back then!

  2. Hi Karen:
    What a fun story! We always love our pets, and this is a delightful story. I agree with Cass, though. Poor bird.
    Thanks for joining the party! See you again soon.

  3. Cute story. I think he should have won, with 7 breeds in him and all! The more the better. We never had our dogs on chains when I was little. Never even thought about it.

  4. We used to have "dog shows" in the front yard, setting up obstacle courses with picnic benches, etc. Good memories indeed. Great post!

  5. Too funny Karen..happy Monday to you

  6. Fun story! I love hearing about times years ago that are treasured memories! Enjoy your Monday dear Karen! HUGS!

  7. Such wonderful pictures and memories of your sweet pup, Karen! I think we all had a dog like that!

    Hope your day is beautiful, my friend!


  8. fun memories...great photos..

  9. Smudgy, I named him that when I had him. I am the aunt who gave him up. Karen is sure right when she says we couldn't handle him, he was such an active, big dog. We were all relieved when Karen's folks took him. I cannot imagine at this point in time what it took for them to take him in, he was too much, but such a good heart.

  10. What a cute story! Smudgy was a champion with 7 breeds :)

  11. What a cute post! I had a Heinz 57 dog too and he was the best.
    You know, I think I had that same hat for Easter one year, too.

  12. Karen, I have something for you on my latest post. Please check it out. Thanks, my friend.

  13. Oh Karen, that is just the cutest story ever! I loved your comment about his seven breeds, now that is special!

    I love that you share your memories with us, they are precious.


  14. Hello Karen, I've jumped over from Grammy's Sweet Nothings for a visit. Love your blog.

  15. Smudgy looks a real fun dog. I bet you loved him SOOOO much. xx


Thanks for the visit! I love hearing from you.