Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I love my RED Pashmina scarf!

I love using my Pashmina scarves on my tables.
This is one I bought recently and it is actually the
flip-side of the scarf. The reds in it fit the season!

Tonight I am linking to
"It's a Very Cherry World"



  1. I have one of those in purples. I wasn't sure how to use it on a table-but you have shown me how. Thanks. Very pretty!

  2. Oh, that scarf really is beautiful!

  3. Gorgeous! You are so smart to use a scarf! I may have to copy you:) Have a blessed day my friend! HUGS!

  4. Good morning, Karen! Love your table setting--so warm & festive!

    Just read your comment on my blog--thanks for always being so kind to me!

    I love villages too--if I was a rich woman (which I'm not right now!) I'd take that Putz village off your hands immediately! They are just the sweetest things! Good luck with selling it.

    I agree with you about taking my Grandmother's advice, which I try to do as often as I can. So important during this loveliest of times, isn't it? We can all get a bit hectic, and that's certainly NOT what it's all about!

    Have so much planning your parties! We had a couple at our house last Christmas, but this year, nothing so far. I'm sure our girls' friends will be here alot, though, and I love feeding them, so that counts!

    Hope you're having a wonderful day, my friend...


  5. Karen, that's beautiful! Your table looks so elegant!

  6. Hi There
    I just found your blog page and love the pictures of your parents.

    Especially the one with them ice skating 1946. What was your dad wearing LOL?????

    I will be back to visit

    Merry Christmas Happy New Year

  7. You are the second person I've seen use beautiful scarves on their holiday tables. Why didn't I think of that?

    Love seeing all your decorations. I feel as if I were going around visiting all my blogging friends this festive season.


  8. Hi Karen,
    Your pashmina scarf works beautifully on your elegant holiday table!
    For our big TV debut(LOL) Heather is borrowing a pink pashmina of mine to wear around her neck to cover where her neck port was.
    It's fun to visit again, because as you saw my life has been crazy. I'm not complaining, but normal is a very good thing! Take care.

  9. they seem to be the hot new thing...looks terrific.

  10. Karen,
    I came back to tell you I recently discovered the Mitford series. I already love them!

  11. love your scarf...I love red year around...

  12. What a gorgeous table and tree!
    The scarf finishes it off.


Thanks for the visit! I love hearing from you.