Friday, December 3, 2010

Hola, Yoli of Apron Senorita!

Meet Yoli of Apron Senorita

What fun! Las night at Dias Festivos in McAllen, Texas
I met Yoli. What fun we had getting to
know a blogging sister.
She makes fabulous aprons and Christmas stockings.
Most of her creations have that Mexican flair to them.
I love it!

I also got to meet her darling sister, Jessica.
There is definitely talent in that  family!

Hop over to My Romantic Home and enjoy
all of the entries for Show & Tell Friday


  1. What wonderful aprons--I'll have to check out her site...

    I'm still catching up on everyone's behind after my Thanksgiving break! I hope the holiday was a fabulous one for you and yours!

    I love that Old Fashioned Oatmeal Cake--thanks for sharing the recipe!

    I hope you have a most beautiful day, my friend!


  2. I grew up in the era of aprons. I always LOVED them!!! But just like hats they have almost disappeared in our wardrobes... I STILL buy them but use them for decoration instead of use(THEY ARE TOO PRETTY TO GET DIRTY, hehe)I LOVE hers, and WOW look at that incredible rikrak... I will definitely check out her goodies. It looks like you had "Such Fun"!!! Hugs to you, Donna

  3. Cute! And yes, isn't it fun to meet other bloggers? I'm meting Breezy tomorrow for lunch! How fun this world of blogging is huh?!

  4. Beautiful aprons and what a talented lady! Sweet picture of you two friends! Hope you are having a wonderful Friday! HUGS!

  5. Hi Karen, it was my pleasure meeting you in person. You are beautiful person with such a warm heart. I am blessed with your friendship.

    Yoli :)

  6. I am in awe of anyone who sews. takes that special patient person to sit down and create such things...just lovely! I am glad you got to meet one of your blogging friends. That is always a thrill! :)

  7. It is always fun meeting new people, but especially one you blog with. I'm so glad that you got to meet your new friend!

  8. it is so nice to see aprons making a come back...


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