Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Veterans Day and Happy Birthday, Mother "B"!

David R. Peterson, USAF

Calvin C. Boykin, Jr., US Army

Gare La Bete - My father's military history book
that he wrote in 1995

A look inside his book

I thank my father and my husband for serving their
country, unselfishly in a time of our need.
My prayers and deepest respect go out to the
soldiers around the world who are fighting for


I also want to mention that my paternal grandmother,
Ruby Heath Boykin, would have been 106 years old today.
I miss her so much.
She inspired me to cook and bake and to
appreciate American cooking.
She was born prematurely, placed in a cigar box near
an oven... and was not named until it was evident that
she would survive. After her own father died, the doctor
who delivered her became her step-father some
years later.
Happy Birthday, Mother "B"!


  1. I remember my dad telling me about his little sister who was born too early too and they did the exact same thing..but she died. They named her Bee, because she was so small..I was so facinated with that story all my life. I too am so grateful for those who are willing to serve. :D

  2. Thanks to your Dad and your Husband for their service! That book is wonderful! I love the story about your Grandmother, isn't that just too sweet that she fit in a cigar box and lived that long!

    Have a blessed Veteran's Day my friend! HUGS!

  3. Lovely post. How wonderful for you to remember your beloved Grandmother's birthday. There is something so special about a Grandmother/Granddaughter relationship. I know, I truly appreciated mine too! Have a wonderful day.


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