Sunday, July 11, 2010

"The Verstile Blogger" - Me??

Thank you, Donna!

If y'all haven't been to
The House on the Corner
then hop over there and get to know Donna.
We're both Texas ladies...
and, yes... Donna probably says, "Y'all", too!

I need to tell you 7 things about me
that I haven't "confessed" here...
hmmmm.... what might that be:

1) I have lived in Mexico for a total of
four years
2) I was nearly born on a tennis court on the
Texas A&M University campus
3) I was actually born on Labor Day - September 2nd... get it? "Labor"...
4) I hosted Dr. Michael DeBakey for a meeting where he received an award - picked him up from the airport, took him to the hotel, we had a drink in the bar... most unattractive man I ever met... most suave and elegant manners I've ever been around. Interviewed him on a story about eating beef -- remember, "DeBakey's Not Flakey... Beef is Okay"...
(stop chuckling!)
5) I LOVE to wash clothes... my washing machine and dryer run nearly 24/7
6) I LOVE to write family cookbooks
7) Two of my best friends in life are bloggers
you might know

Okay... now here are 15 blogs for you to visit:
 Of course Donna's for sure!

1) White Spray Paint
2) Nancy's Notes
3) They Call Me "Gannky"
4) Grammy's Sweet Nothings
5) Our Life in PEI
6) Memaw Barbies
7) Little Red House
8) From a Writer's Kitchen
9) Family Trees May Contain Nuts
10) Debbiedoos
11) Apron Senorita
12) Entertaining from an Ethnic Indian Kitchen
13) Faded Charm
14) The Lazy Peacock
15) The Harwards

There are many, many more that I can list... so this might change a bit
in a day or so.

Due to the hour -- I will let my bloggers know tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Karen! Yes, it true too! You have so many interests and your posts are great!

    Thanks for mentioning my blog!



Thanks for the visit! I love hearing from you.