Thursday, July 1, 2010

Showing and Telling for Friday

I'm really excited about the sign that my friend painted for me for my booth at a local antiques mall. She did a great job, didn't she?
Thanks, Heather!

One of the first pictures of my booth.

I should have climbed up on a ladder to photograph this Jewel Tea Co. set, but I have a "thing" about ladders and height. The water pitcher on the left belonged to my grandmother, Jean. The rest of the set belonged to an old friend of my husband's mother. She invited us over one Sunday and gave it to me, saying that I had admired it once. I will always cherish it!

These are my Show and Tell
for Friday.
Please take a few minutes to visit


  1. Your grand daughter in the post below look like she loves dancing!
    I love your sign and all the cute things on the shelves too.
    I read on Laura's post how you offered to have then and her dad come to your place to stay...I think that was so kind of you! Happy 4th :D

  2. The booth looks good. Great sign. Hey is that a wooden chocolate mixer from Mexico I see lying down on the shelf?
    My friend had one and it took us years to find out what it was.

  3. What a cute sign! Do I detect a note of Mary Engelbright? :)

    Good luck with your booth! I often think of doing this...



Thanks for the visit! I love hearing from you.