Saturday, June 12, 2010

What a mess I have created!

As you can see, my blog is all messed up. And it's all my fault. I was told to just use a practice for trying out the new Blogger templates, etc. I just thought I would take a quick look. YIKES! It will not go back to "normal". What to do? If you can help me in very simple ways I would appreciate it. I have strayed... I know. Never again!! Thank you!!


  1. Hi Karen! I took a look at the new designs and got scared off! I am afraid to mess with it since I don't see how to keep stretch minima!I wish I could help! I'm going to be one of those on the sidelines waiting to see how everyone else likes it! I guess it's a good thing I like my blog as is! lol I hope you get it figured out! Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  2. Oh oh...good luck with it! I have just left well enough alone..any major changes, I call my daughters! LOL :D


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