Monday, June 21, 2010

"Molasses, molasses, icky, sticky gooey...."

September 1, 1954
My first day of school.

This little girl loved... and I mean craved molasses. Still does! It seems that when I need a "cure" for most anything, molasses is what I want.

That means it's time to take out my handy, dandy
Betty Crocker Cookbook for Boys and Girls...
which I have mentioned several times during the life of
Ladybug Creek.

Today is no exception. I have the start of a cold.
My grandmother, Mother "B" would call a summer cold,
a "fresh cold". They're about the worst!
Out has come my cookbook and I've just prepared the
batter for gingerbread.
The aroma is heavenly.

I think I can smell the molasses with its tangy
sulphur flavor. Hmmmm!
(I think the bottle says it is "unsulphured", but I smell it!)

And here is a serving for my "sweetie".
He loves it when I bake for him.
Why, how did I know he had a hankerin' for gingerbread?

Betty Crocker Cookbook for Boys and Girls
ca. 1961

Heat oven to 325 degrees

Grease and flour a 9" square pan

Mix thoroughly:
1/2 c. soft shortening, 2 Tbps. sugar, 1 egg

Blend in:
1 c. dark molasses, 1 c. boiling water

Stir in:
2 1/4 c. sifted Gold Medal Flour, 1 tsp. soda, 1/2 tsp. salt,
1 tsp. ginger, 1 tsp. cinnamon

Beat until smooth.
Pour into prepared pan.

Bake about 45 - 50 minutes (mine usually takes less)

I serve mine with applesauce on top.

Feelin' better already!

I've decided to link up over at


  1. I too love it and I love gingerbread or ginger cookies..yum! Come say hi :D

  2. That looks so good! I think it would make me feel better.
    Love the first photo!

  3. hmmmmm....there is nothing better in the world than warm gingerbread!!! I think I need some :-)

  4. Oh Karen, you look adorable, a first grade cutie pie! I have that cookbook and I love it! I'll have to try the gingerbread recipe, looks yummy! Hope it makes you feel better, fresh colds are the worst!


  5. YUMMMY, I can almost smell that gingerbread! I love molasses to but my favorite syrup with a good country biscuit is KARO syrup! I could eat the whole jar!

    Love the display you made for your sweetie!

    Have a blessed day! HUGS!

  6. Gotta love that Gingerbread! My son adores gingerbread! He totally shares your thoughts! Welcome to Tuesday Tastes!

    Happy Day,
    Jasey @ Crazy Daisy

  7. Oh, yum! I love gingerbread! :D This sounds scrumptious!

    Thank you for sharing!

  8. I love molasses too, and just posted a vintage molasses recipe on Thursday. We thought alike. :-) Great gingerbread recipe.

    If you post your vintage recipes, I would love for you to join us for Vintage Recipe Thursday. We're a small and very friendly group of fans of old recipes. Most of us love vintage things in general.

  9. I copied it and hope to make it soon. Thanxxxx.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Oh, yummy! I can smell it all the way here in east Texas! I love gingerbread. Great picture of you in first grade!

  12. Oh my gosh Karen, I have that same cookbook! And grew up cooking from it for my 4-H entries to the Jackson County Fair each summer!
    And now I too have a hankerin' for Gingerbread!! YUM!
    Thanks Karen for jarring such sweet memories from my childhood. Really takes me back.


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