Sunday, June 27, 2010

It's Mosaic Monday north of the Rio Grande River!

Collage on the Rio!

Here are just a few pictures from the hunting ranch... which is 25 miles north of the Rio Grande River and the border with Mexico.

I'm linking to Little Red House at


  1. Love the images from south Texas! That tree in the lower left is great. I can just feel the heat baking the earth. The weather is so different down there than it is up in the Pacific Northwest where I live now.

  2. I love your mosaic. It's very hot and humid this summer here in Georgia.

    Thanks for visiting me and also for letting me know about the Mitford board. I can't wait for the new book! Jan is also supposed to go on a book tour this time. I will definitely go is she is anywhere close by!


  3. Looks like loads of fun and somewhere I would love to visit. Have a blessed day! Hugs

  4. Very cool mosaic...that is the biggest pool like I have seen like that, looks way fun! :D

  5. What a great mosaic! It looks hot, but the pool refreshing. Life is great!! :)

  6. Looks like wonderful photographs of a great place to be.
    Happy Mosaic Monday.

  7. These images remind me of my winters spent in Arizona.I arrive when all cacti are flowering!I also spend much time in the pool!


Thanks for the visit! I love hearing from you.