Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bienvenidos -- Rancho Don Pedro in Tecoman, Colima, Mexico

Rancho Don Pedro was named after my husband's father, "Pete".
Pedro in Spanish is "Pete".
This tree at the entrance of the home is a parota. Had my husband not named the ranch after his father I would have named it after this tree. It's very old and in person it is very impressive.
I've written about Rancho Don Pedro many times and even started this blog with pictures of the remodeling. We added this acquaducto to the entrance.
This area is for entertaining. We've held quite a few parties here including our annual Halloween party for the grandchildren and even a wedding reception once.
This is a view from the opposite side.
Here is the two bedroom house and pool.


  1. Love that big tree, very beautiful! What a place to have and enjoy for you and your family...How long will you be there? Come say hi :D

  2. The ranch just looks great. You all have done a wonderful job there. I love it about the bicycle. I was quite a bit older when I learned.


Thanks for the visit! I love hearing from you.