Monday, March 22, 2010

Las Islas Ranch

Las Islas Ranch
Photo by Brandon Boykin

     We spent the weekend at Las Islas Ranch, our deer lease, for a much-needed rest. The usual chores that needed to be done such as check deer blinds that may have tipped over (lots of high winds lately), check the "Lab-lab" (protein feed for the deer), check watering stations... of which a leak was found,  and then gather mesquite firewood.
     We cooked chicken the first night and then steak the second night. There is always lots of great food. Other "members" at the ranch are good friends, so it is very much a time for socializing.
     Sunday morning I cooked a "cowboy breakfast" which was sauteed onion, bacon and left-over steak all cooked within the scrambled eggs. A friend baked whole-wheat biscuits. We all sat on the patio of our duplex, drinking coffee, eating out breakfast and watching the most beautiful cardinals, kisskadees, doves, and green jays. It was great to be with these wonderful friends. We all felt very blessed.


  1. Glad you got some rest and also glad you got those green jays in there. Brandon's such a wonderful photographer!

  2. Your weekends at Las Islas always sound so relaxing and enjoyable! What an awesome photograph by Brandon, the green is just so vibrant, wonderful to see that spring has arrived there! Have to say, there is nothing better than a good hearty breakfast at the ranch!

  3. What a restful time...

    I am having a "Blue Monday" giveaway~stop by to see~

    Thanks...Have a terrific week!


  4. Your weekend sounds like heaven! I guess the snow missed you.:) It's always good to get away...especially with good friends.
    PS Sophie is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Say that 3 times fast.LOL! She is so sweet. Such a cuddle-bug.


Thanks for the visit! I love hearing from you.