Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday is for Mother - my parents with the queen

My parents and the queen

My father spent four years in Lesotho, Africa, a kingdom in Africa around the early 1990's. He was there to advise the government of Lesotho ways to use their land and water. My mother did quite a bit of volunteer work there, especially with a local orphanage. One problem at the orphanage was not enough protein or meat for the children. My mother put her thinking cap on and came up with the idea of a rabbit project. Right! What breeds faster than rabbits? So, a few rabbits were purchased and rabbits were grown for eating purposes. The project was a huge success and the queen of Lesotho was so impressed she had many compliments for my mother. This was one of her favorite moments living in Africa. My mother and the queen acutally became good friends!


  1. What a great story about your sweet Mom!

  2. That is a wonderful achievement! Think of how many lives she touched.
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  3. What a great story! How wonderful that you Mom came up with something that helped so many people.


  4. (sorry if this is a double entry)

    they seem like good, smart and kind people. i respect individuals who are problem-solvers!

  5. To add to Karen's your story about the Queen: Do you recall that at a dance the Queen sent over an emissary to ask Calvin to dance with her? He was a good dancer and the Queen could see that and so she wanted to dance with him. I think all around everyone involved, the Queen, Calvin and Rosemary were quite pleased.

  6. Lovely, memorable photograph. What a wonderful opportunity for your parents to make a difference in other's lives.

  7. Such a simple idea that truly made a difference in the lives of so many.

    You had a wonderful Mom!

  8. That is so cool about your mom!!
    She did so many things in her life...amazing.


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