Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Eat more honeydew...

Honeydew harvest is well underway in Tecoman, Colima, Mexico. This is one of our farms which is located not far from Manzanillo, Mexico. Some of the honeydew is shipped to Japan (by boat) and most of the rest of it is trucked up to the New York. If by chance you see our Super Starr label... you'll know who is growing it! The harvest season is always exciting for us and will last until April.
So, eat more honeydew!!


  1. I love honeydew!! Unfortunately by the time it gets to New Hampshire it's not that great tasting anymore. But I will be sure to look for your label and try that out! Wouldn't that be fun if I were eating one of your honeydews!

  2. Honeydew is my favorite melon! I've seen the Super Starr label here in GA in years past- love looking for it. =)

  3. I love's one of my favorites...

  4. Do love honeydew! Will eat more of it, for sure!


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