Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Birthday party

I enjoyed this birthday at my grandmother, Jean's, home. This was in the yard of the large white house shown earlier on this blog. This party was so much fun because I actually had a couple of distant cousins who attended. That was rare for us as we never were close to many relatives, unfortunately.
By the way, we actually called this grandmother "Jean" since she felt that she was too young to be a grandmother in the first place... all of 45 years old. We may have called our maternal grandmother by her first name but we never thought of it as her first name. It was just always fun to see our friends reactions to this.


  1. Oh my goodness, what a precious picture and sharing it with us on the day before your birthday is truly special.

    Happy Birthday to you sweet Karen. Septemeber 2nd is a great day!

    Love, Nancy

  2. Look at that cake! And all the white wrapping with colorful bows! I just love these posts... keep them coming. I feel like I'm getting to know a little more about you! =)
    Happy Birthday!


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